Best Rates,
and why:

1. I am based in your area, so no additional travel-time to raise your bill.

2. Unlike virtually all other lie-detection people, that is all I do. All others in the area are either private investigators or similar, doing lie-detection part-time, or are retired and do polygraph as a 'hobby'. You want someone that does polygraph full-time, not around their other business.

3. I do not gouge my clients. If you have called around, then you already know the outrageous prices being quoted by others. The secret: we all do the same thing. I follow the testing format guidelines of the US Federal government, the American Polygraph Association, and the Polygraph Examiners Of America.

years of
polygraph experience!

Ventura Polygraph Tests

Oxnard Ventura polygraph testing under $195  polygraph available Monday through Sunday Ventura
818 883-6969

expert lie-detector in Ventura

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Ventura Polygraph ExpertVentura Polygraph servicesVentura Polygraph at

If you are considering the use of a polygraph examiner
in Ventura County, we should have a 10-minute phone conversation. 818 883-6969

There are two good choices:
$145 for a test in Ventura County if scheduled and paid 3 days in advance, OR $145 every day less than an hour away drive, 9

Thousand Oaks polygraph test price

I have specialized in Ventura area (Oxnard, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Ojai, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Simi Valley) polygraph examinations for 37+ years. There are many options and possibilities that I can share with you.

Oxnard lie detector test


Thousand Oaks lie detector exam for publicaccuracy rate of a Ventura polygraph exam  Newbury Park lie-detection

You should know:

If you suspect that you are being cheated on or stolen from, I can help with a modern computerized polygraph exam.

infidety polygraph Ventura County

The results will not be 'inconclusive' as some less-experienced examiners might give you-- they will either
be Pass or Fail.

Ventura Camarillo area lie detection expert

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37 years in 2024!

TV's 'Lie Detector Guy'

polygraph test in Ventura

I have tested for more than 37 years, completing more than 9000 polygraph examinations. Some examiners who claim to have been an examiner for '5 or 10 years' have only really done a hundred or so exams: that is really less than one year of experience stretched out over those 5 or 10 years! We can also include a FREE practice test chart, which is to verify suitability for testing before the actual test scoring starts.

polygraph exam Ventura

Let's talk soon. If you would like to read
some secrets that some other examiners
DON'T want you to know, spend 10 minutes
reading and you'll
be far more prepared for using a polygraph.

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Call me at (818) 883-6969.
If I don't answer, I am in an
exam and will return your call.

polygraph test Thousand Oaks
Ventura Polygraph 818 883-6969

lie detector exam in Moorpark

And you can click here to read
many polygraph test 'secrets'!

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honest polygraph in Ventura County

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818 883-6969

VenturaPolygraph.US polygraph tests Polygraph Ventura

Newbury Park lie etector
Testing less than 60 minutes from
any city in Ventura County, any day

Polygraph test in Ventura California